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Shane McCracken

Shane McCracken


Shane is the Director of Gallomanor Communications Ltd, which he set up in 2001. He’s worked in advertising, TV and publishing and doesn’t regard marketing as a dirty word. A longer bio is available here.

Antony Poveda

Antony Poveda

Project Wrangler

Antony has a degree in Neuroscience and a Masters in Science Communication. He is the team member who finds our brilliant scientists and engineers.

Michaela Butler

Michaela Butler


Michaela has a background and degree in visual arts. She is the calm power behind the smooth running of our projects.

Emily Dickson

Emily Dickson

Event Wrangler


Emily Paget

Emily Paget

Site Manager

Emily joined the team with a mass of cynical and critical thoughts on communication, technology, accessibility and the technical side of the site.

Josh Doyle



Josh joined us in 2013 after a chemistry degree and a stint as a moderator on the projects. He now works remotely helping us with evaluation, systems, data, but never coffee.

Jen Allerton

Jen Allerton

Event Wrangler

Jen started as moderator back in 2016, and has worked with us since. Finally taking the plunge and moving to Bath to work with us full time, while finishing her OU degree!

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It’s a new team member…

Hello! I’m Michaela, the newest member of the team here at Gallomanor who will be working on the I’m a Scientist and I’m an Engineer projects. I grew up near Bath but have lived elsewhere Read more…


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We’ve been awarded a Sustaining Excellence grant. The Wellcome Trust are providing us with £550,000 over the next five years to carry on growing I’m a Scientist and I’m an Engineer in the UK & Read more…


We’re hiring (part-time): Organised, numerate, a little bit bossy & attentive to detail.

We’re expanding and we need someone to help us keep all our ducks in a line. The job involves a mixture of bookkeeping, project and office management. You’d be helping the team run our international Read more…


Always happy to talk or meet for coffee and cake

Find us at the office

7 -9 North Parade Buildings




Give us a ring

Shane McCracken

+44 1225 326892

+44 7720 297515


Use the form, email or call

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